Tag Archives: assisted death

Clarifying the Assisted Death Recommendations

Maureen Taylor, Jocelyn Downie, and Jennifer Gibson suggest that recent commentaries on official Reports on assisted death in Canada misstate the recommendations made in the Reports and their relationship to the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Carter.

The Need to Discuss Death-Hastening Methods

Stuart Chambers discusses an oversight in the Report by the Special Joint Committee on Physician-Assisted Dying.

Not Dead Yet: An Unprincipled Position against Assisted Death

Stuart Chambers calls on Not Dead Yet to re-evaluate the beliefs that have shaped their anti-euthanasia and anti-assisted suicide mindset.

L’euthanasie: pourquoi chercher à la cacher?

Anaïs Vallée discute des implications liées à la nouvelle loi sur l’aide médicale à mourir au Québec.

Pathways to a National Framework for the Regulation of Physician-assisted Dying

Jocelyn Downie suggests ways of creating a national framework for the regulation of physician assisted dying in Canada.