Category euthanasia

In a Nutshell: The Special Joint Committee on MAiD and Mature Minors

Constance MacIntosh outlines the recommendations of the Special Joint Parliamentary Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) with respect to mature minors accessing MAiD.

Moral and Intellectual Gymnastics in Defense of Canada’s Out-of-Control MAiD Regime

Daryl Pullman examines a recent article that defends expanded eligibility for medical assistance in dying on questionable grounds of autonomy and harm reduction.

In a Nutshell: The Special Joint Committee on MAiD Tackles Disability

Eric Mathison summarizes the final report of the federal Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) as it relates to disability.

In a Nutshell: The Special Joint Committee on MAiD tackles Mental Disorders

Jocelyn Downie summarizes the federal Special Joint Committee’s report as it relates to medical assistance in dying for mental disorders as the sole underlying medical condition, and raises concerns about the politically partisan nature of the dissenting opinions.

In a Nutshell: The Special Joint Committee on MAiD and Advance Requests

Timothy Holland summarizes the recently released Special Joint Parliamentary report on medical assistance in dying (MAiD) as it applies to advance requests for MAiD.