Category Sexuality

Canada is Not Ready to Criminalize Intersex Pediatric Surgery  

Rashad Rehman argues that a moratorium against intersex pediatric surgery would be harmful.

What is “Pathologization”? Part II. Disorder and Difference

Rashad Rehman and Darius J. Bägli draw on the example of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in order to outline appropriate uses of the term “disorder” versus “difference” of sexual development.

What is “Pathologization”? Part I

Rashad Rehman delineates what pathologization means, drawing upon the example of differences and disorders of sexual development.

Inequities for Trans and Non-Binary Youth in New Brunswick

Julien Brisson argues that New Brunswick’s policy mandating parental consent for students under 16 to use their preferred names and pronouns creates unjust inequalities between students based on parental support.

Banning of Gender-Affirming Care for Minors in Tennessee

Shyanne Dougherty analyzes the poor justification and harmful impact of the new law against gender-affirming care in Tennessee.