Submit A Post

IE welcomes unsolicited original submissions for consideration on any topic in bioethics, broadly construed.

Submissions: Please send a Microsoft Word document for editorial review by email to with the words “Impact Ethics Blog Submission” in the subject line. Typically, authors can expect to have an initial response from the managing editor within 10 business days of submission. All submissions are subject to editorial review. However, IE is NOT a peer reviewed blog.


Style: Content should be presented in an opinion/editorial format, rather than as an academic précis. Authors should avoid academic jargon.

Submission length: 500 – 800 words

Language: We encourage submissions in French or English.

Title:  Try to keep short and to the point. Make sure that it includes relevant searchable terms. The title must be 60 characters or less (including spaces).

Tagline: Authors should propose a one-sentence tagline that summarizes their position. Please see recent IE posts for examples.

Links: IE uses neither footnotes nor in-text citations. Instead, authors are to include embedded hyperlinks in their Word document. All links are subject to editorial discretion and approval.

Author Affiliation: IE accepts commentaries with up to two co-authors. Commentaries with three authors may be accepted if discussed in advance with the IE Managing Editor. Include a one-line bio with your institutional or professional affiliation(s), Twitter handle, and personal website (if applicable). Do not include degrees.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Authors must disclose potential conflicts of interest.  A conflict of interest exists when the author’s objectivity may be influenced by professional or personal affiliations or contributions, financial compensation, the prospect of financial gain, or the prospect of professional advancement. Professional or personal affiliations will be considered a conflict of interest when there is overlap between the affiliation(s) and the subject matter of an IE commentary. Otherwise, the information about professional and personal affiliations will be included in the author’s affiliation line as evidence of expertise in the subject matter. Our goal is to ensure that our readers are aware of our authors’ interests.

Re-posting IE blogs: Impact Ethics permits non-commercial redistribution of commentaries, as long as the original commentary is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the author and a link to the original IE post. For commercial reprints, please contact the Managing Editor.

For more information contact Chris Kaposy, Managing Editor, at


  1. All Canadians need to support The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program for all Canadians, please vote and share. Bob Martin GBS Survivor

  2. Colin Ross · ·

    What about H1N1 narcolepsy sufferers. It’s Canada’s best kept secret. Compensation was the talk of Europe. Why not here? Not a word about lives ruined as a side affect.

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