Category Mental Health

Why Medical Students Should Learn the History of Unit 731

Serena Yu argues that incorporating culturally and geographically diverse examples of medical atrocities into medical school curriculum helps train students to be ethically vigilant in ways that are respectful of forgotten histories.

Mental Health Apps Operating Outside Ethical Boundaries

Shyanne Dougherty questions the ethics of unregulated mental health apps.

More Canadian Psychiatrists Respond: No MAiD For Mental Illness

A group of Canadian psychiatrists, including those who have been involved with medical assistance in dying (MAiD), several University and Hospital Department Chairs and several past Canadian Psychiatric Association presidents respond to a recent piece in Impact Ethics that criticized calls to exclude patients with mental health disorders.

Life Sentence: MAiD in the Prison System

Dylan McKibbon suggests that discussions about medical assistance in dying must consider the unique circumstances of prisoners, and that a model of Therapeutic Jurisprudence can help address some of the concerns related to MAiD in the context of incarceration.

Canadian Psychiatrists Respond: MAiD and Mental Disorders

A group of Canadian psychiatrists involved with medical assistance in dying respond to calls to exclude patients with mental health disorders.