Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Strangely Sexless Sex Work Decision

Marcus McCann explains why Canada’s landmark sex-work ruling, while laudable, has little to say about sexual autonomy.

Mifepristone in Answer to Abortion Access in Canada

Joanna Erdman singles out medical abortion in answer to place-based access barriers in Canada.

The (Unknown) Costs of Private-for-Profit IVF

Alana Cattapan questions the balance between clinic profits and costs to patients in the Canadian infertility business.

Wishing Doesn’t Make It So

Françoise Baylis and Jocelyn Downie comment on the first prosecution under the Assisted Human Reproduction Act and criticize Health Canada for its ongoing failure (since 2004) to draft the regulations on reimbursement of receipted expenses.

Stem Cell Cartoons Exhibit Stalled Knowledge Transfer

Cynthia Martin reports on what cartoonists reflected in visual narratives of stem cell science.