Monthly Archives: March 2016

Traumatic Brain Injury and Cultural Diversity

Tracey Landmann, a traumatic brain injury survivor, advocates greater respect and recognition for the individual differences presented by persons living with traumatic brain injury.

The Ethics of Human Milk Exchange and Sale

Robyn Lee critiques the inequalities and social injustices that surround human milk exchange practices.

Beware ‘Innovation-Speak’

Matthew Herder wrote a Master’s thesis on Canadian science policy some ten years ago and by the time he was done, he had sworn off the word ‘innovation.’

Facial Recognition Software and Improved Organ Donor Matching

Linda Wright briefly explains “hoped-for” GeneSetMatch technology and highlights problems for informed consent and public trust.

Criminal Sexual Conduct and the Politics of HIV Disclosure

Michael Orsini and Jennifer Kilty discuss the criminalization of failure to disclose HIV status.