Monthly Archives: June 2014

Dr. Aubin’s Impossible Mission at CIHR: “Ethics Champion”

Juliet Guichon puts in writing what many Canadian ethicists are wondering: Why do the Canadian Institutes of Health Research not want a person with ethics expertise at the helm of the ethics portfolio?

CIHR’s Ethics Leadership Discussion at CBS 2014

Michael McDonald and Daryl Pullman offer their observations on the dialogue at the recent CBS annual meeting on the state of ethics at CIHR.

The Opacity of Bill C-17’s Transparency Amendments

Matthew Herder says it is unclear whether the ‘Protecting Canadians from Unsafe Drugs Act (Vanessa’s Law)’ will provide greater transparency in Canadian drug regulation.

Socializing Access to Fertility Treatments in Quebec?

Audrey L’Espérance interrogates medical and social understandings of infertility and access to reproductive technologies in the report of the Commissaire à la Santé et au Bien-Être in Quebec.

When Living is a Fate Worse Than Death

Letitia Meynell, writing about her terminally ill mother, suggests that opponents of assisted death must turn their gaze away from abstract issues to the real embodied processes and experiences of dying patients.