Category Occupational Health

Bioethics Leaders Should Demand a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza

Cara Hunt, Ayden Eilmus, and Basel Tarab call for bioethicists to advocate for a permanent ceasefire and protection of medical facilities and personnel in Gaza.

Bioethics and Environmental Injustice

James Dwyer suggests why and how we should bring environmental concerns back into bioethics.

Trust in health care after the death of Joyce Echaquan

Phoebe Friesen wonders whether clinicians can ask for trust in Canada’s system of health care after Joyce Echaquan’s death.

Accommodating Menstrual Periods in the Workplace

Surabhi Kulshrestha explores the treatment of menstruation in the context of the Canadian workplace.

Nursing homes in the time of COVID-19

Monique Lanoix reports on the humanitarian crisis in nursing homes.