Monthly Archives: December 2017

New ART regulations require feminist voices

Francine Coeytux, Marcy Darnovsky, Susan Berke Fogel, and Emily Galpern maintain that the development of new regulations about assisted reproductive technologies must include the voices of scholars who have studied women’s health issues, and advocates who have worked for policies and practices that safeguard women’s health and rights.

A Step Forward for Self-administered MAiD in Canada

Jocelyn Downie and Stefanie Green argue that secobarbital, a self-administered medication for medical assistance in dying, will increase patient access and autonomy.

Where’s Non-invasive prenatal testing heading?

Chris Kaposy considers the future trajectory of non-invasive prenatal testing and the implications of using this testing method to conduct prenatal whole genome sequencing.

Choice, not ‘Reflex’: Routine Prenatal Screening

Vardit Ravitsky warns that routine Non-invasive Prenatal Screening can undermine women’s reproductive autonomy and she calls for broad societal changes and policies that help promote individual choice.