Category Science Funding

Crimes against Humanity in Xinjiang and the Crisis in Forensic Genetics

Mark Munsterhjelm raises alarm about the complicity of researchers and suppliers in forensic genetics in the Chinese government’s repression of Indigenous peoples in Xinjiang.

L’intelligence artificielle du point de vue de la santé globale

Vincent Couture et Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon explorent les nouvelles menaces existentielles qu’engendre l’intelligence artificielle restreinte et générale pour la santé mondiale et proposent des stratégies pour s’y attaquer.

Mind the Ethical Gap in AI-Powered Drug Discovery

Dessislava Fessenko shows that while artificial intelligence might revolutionize drug development, its use comes with risks and potential ethical implications. Iterative ethics oversight from the get-go is needed to address the looming concerns.

Regulating Chemicals in Your Cosmetics

Addie Tiller discusses the nuances of toxicants in cosmetics and how researchers and politicians are calling for better regulation in Canada.

Polygenic Risk Scores to Select Embryos: A Need for Societal Debate

Hazar Haidar discusses the need for a societal debate to explore challenges related to polygenic embryo screening.