Category Environmental Ethics

Regulating Chemicals in Your Cosmetics

Addie Tiller discusses the nuances of toxicants in cosmetics and how researchers and politicians are calling for better regulation in Canada.

The Ethics of Companion Animal Abandonment in Times of Crisis

Andrew Fenton and Timothy Krahn analyze some of the ethical issues at stake when humans are forced to abandon their companion animals in a time of crisis.

Bioethics and Environmental Injustice

James Dwyer suggests why and how we should bring environmental concerns back into bioethics.

Listen to Public Health Experts about Fluoridation

Juliet Guichon notes that public health specialists, rather than unqualified opponents, are the experts when it comes to the safety and benefits of water fluoridation.

From Bench to Bedside via… The Island of Dr Moreau?

Jason Scott Robert suggests that the creation of part-human animals in stem cell biology may generate scientific confusion.