Tag Archives: medical assistance in dying

Life Sentence: MAiD in the Prison System

Dylan McKibbon suggests that discussions about medical assistance in dying must consider the unique circumstances of prisoners, and that a model of Therapeutic Jurisprudence can help address some of the concerns related to MAiD in the context of incarceration.

Canadian Psychiatrists Respond: MAiD and Mental Disorders

A group of Canadian psychiatrists involved with medical assistance in dying respond to calls to exclude patients with mental health disorders.

In a Nutshell: The Special Joint Committee on MAiD and Mature Minors

Constance MacIntosh outlines the recommendations of the Special Joint Parliamentary Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) with respect to mature minors accessing MAiD.

Moral and Intellectual Gymnastics in Defense of Canada’s Out-of-Control MAiD Regime

Daryl Pullman examines a recent article that defends expanded eligibility for medical assistance in dying on questionable grounds of autonomy and harm reduction.

In a Nutshell: The Special Joint Committee on MAiD Tackles Disability

Eric Mathison summarizes the final report of the federal Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) as it relates to disability.