COVID-19 Vaccines: Did Research Exclusion Affect Informed Consent?

Thomas Milovac looks back at the groups initially excluded from COVID-19 vaccine research, such as pregnant and breast-feeding women, and considers whether their exclusion prevented members of these groups from being able to provide informed consent to vaccination.

How should we think about unintended consequences of vaccine mandates?

Maxwell J. Smith considers the nature and significance of unintended consequences of vaccine mandates.

Vaccine Mandates and a Request for “Unvaccinated” Blood

Maya Goldenberg and Chris Kaposy draw out a possible relationship between the recent Baby W case in New Zealand involving a request for “unvaccinated” blood and COVID-19 vaccine mandates in force during the pandemic.

Vaccine risk vs. vaccine mandates

Maxwell Smith and Diego Silva analyze the case for the imposition of risk via vaccine mandates.

Why the “freedom” convoy is not a reason to re-think vaccine mandates

Maxwell J. Smith contests the argument that vaccine mandates should be avoided because they cause social division and unrest, as reflected by the so-called “freedom” convoy.